A Doctor

Just found this:

To be honest (see how we are not afraid to show the other side), here is an article that takes Dr. Meehan to task. The top argument Skeptical Raptor uses is questioning assumed "authority." Without having a "degree" in vaccinology, Dr. Meehan is not allowed to formulate an opinion. (The thousands of studies around the world that are referenced mostly compare fully vaccinated to those who are partially vaccinated - never to the completely unvaccinated. Since the incidence of reactions between the vaccinated PLUS MMR and the vaccinated MINUS MMR are statistically similar, the vaccine being "studied" is deemed safe. Their longer-term effects are not included in these studies, which watch for reactions for a very limited amount of time.)

With that argument, Rav Asher Weiss's opinion is also invalid.

Having a degree does not confer more wisdom. It all depends on how much a person studies - whether in an educational setting or as an independent researcher - in a particular topic. If Dr. Meehan has studied vaccines and knows what he is talking about, his opinion is valid.

Here is what Dr. Meehan wrote. And here is a link to Dr. Meehan's twitter feed, a wealth of information you won't find on CNN.

Dr. Jim Meehan MD

"I will no longer vaccinate my children...
...because I am a well trained medical doctor and former medical journal editor that has studied the vaccine research and analyzed both sides of the evidence.
...because I know how to read the medical literature, recognize bias and discern characteristics of good and fraudulent research.
...because I know that too much of the science supporting vaccines is fraudulent drivel bought and paid for by the vaccine manufacturers themselves.
...because I understand the risks of vaccination as well as the benefits of my children and grandchildren encountering and overcoming the wild type diseases naturally.
...because I know that diseases like mumps, measles, and chickenpox aren't dangerous and untreatable diseases that justify the risk of injecting toxic ingredients into the tissues of my children.
...because I have seen the evidence of neurotoxicity from ingredients like aluminum, polysorbate 80, human DNA and cellular residues from the human cells lines upon which many of the live viruses are grown.
...because I've seen vaccine manufacturers like Merck promote what they knew was bad medicine for profit, kill 60,000 patients with Vioxx, and I have no reason to believe that they wouldn't do the same thing with vaccines, especially when you consider they can't be sued when their vaccines maim or kill children.
...because I believe the vaccine industry has thoroughly corrupted the science and safety of vaccines.
...because I recognize the aggressive and unreasonable tactics of a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry desperately working to maintain the illusion of vaccine safety, keep consumers consuming, grow their markets, and increase their profits.
...because I have met so many families whose children were stolen from them by the battery of vaccines administered at pediatric vaccine visits.
...because I believe the U.S. vaccination program has become a progressively dangerous assault on the health and lives of the children of America.
...because I am awake and aware, I will not vaccinate, nor will I remain silent as the pharmaceutical and medical industries pretend that vaccines are safe and effective..."
 Jim Meehan MD


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