
Showing posts from September, 2019

What to do when there is illness

Shulchan Aruch 576 וכן מתענים על החולאים כיצד הרי שירד חולי א' לאנשים הרבה באותה העיר כגון אסכרה (פי' חולי סוגר הגרון מענין ויסכרו מעינות תהום) או חרחור וכיוצא בהם והיו מתים מאותו חולי הרי זה צרת צבור וגוזרין עליה תעני' ומתריעין וכן חכוך לח הרי הוא כשחין פורח ואם פשט ברוב הצבור מתענין ומתריעין עליו אבל חכוך יבש צועקים עליו בלבד: הגה ובאלו חולאים אינן צריכין שימותו בשלשה ימים זה אחר זה כמו בדבר שהוא בא מכח שינוי אויר אלא מתענים ומתריעים על אלו החלאים מיד. (ב"י) : When there is an illness, we FAST. An example is given by the Magen Avraham. Is he describing smallpox? Measles? Most significantly he says if these marks are coming on children AND THEY ARE DYING then we need to FAST. And anyone who does not take his child out of the city is "חייב בנפשותם." מגן אברהם ג ג (פמ"ג) על החולאים. וה"ה כשאבעבועות פורחי' בתינוקות ומתים יש לגזור תעני'...

Discrimination 101

Imagine you're an Israeli couple. Going on Shlichut. You haven't vaccinated your kids - and have all your paperwork in order in Israel. But you come to America. Not realizing that America isn't being ruled by thoughtful people who understand subtlety and nuance. By people who are tolerant of other life choices. But you are coming to CRAZY TOWN USA Where people believe that being unvaccinated EQUALS carrying the measles all the time. (That is the most nonsensical equation. Go Pharma and hell-bound doctors .) The school which hired you finds out. And even though you live in a state which allows for religious exemptions, the school is "frummer" than the state! So the school kicks out your kids. And fires you. Even though you gave up your home, sold your stuff, made a life investment in doing good for the Jewish people. This happened. This week. (September 2019) True story. Is this not evil? THIS IS PURE EVIL!

The Best Doctors ARE Going to Hell

It's a quote from the Talmud. Dr. Jeremy Brown wrote an article about it, which can be found here: Here is another reason why doctors are going to hell. Doctors have gotten into the heads of the rabbis and educators and have convinced them: that healthy children, whose parents have opted out of the vaccine program, are dangerous. that not having Hep-B vaccine should be a barrier to getting a Jewish education (Hepatitis B is a disease communicable through shared needles or through sexual intercourse - it's hard to argue that babies and children need this one) that vaccination - despite all the risks and all the stories people tell - is the litmus test for who belongs in the Jewish community, and certainly in school that we should all fear people, especially children, who are unvaccinated (despite there being no evidence for this being a genuine fear - this is a marketing ploy by pharmace...

A Doctor Owns Up to the Truth

Yes. We know he thinks all those who don't vaccinate are evil . Yet he also recognizes that there really isn't a reasonable way to get around the Talmud, which says doctors are going to hell. So. Enjoy? May 31, 2016 Kiddushin 82a ~ The Best Doctors Go to Hell Kiddushin 82  קידושין פב, א רבי יהודה אומר משמו החמרין רובן רשעים והגמלין רובן כשרין הספנין רובן חסידים טוב שברופאים לגיהנם והכשר שבטבחים שותפו של עמלק  Rabbi Yehuda said in the name of Abba Gurya: Most donkey drivers are evil; most camel drivers are righteous; most sailors are pious; the best of doctors is destined for hell; and even the best butcher is a partner with Amalek.  "The best of doctors is destined for hell". That's quite a statement for Rabbi Yehudah to make. Writing in The Atlantic several years ago, the late Sherwin Nuland told this (probably apocryphal) story:  Imprisoned in ...

Protecting the Immuno-compromised from the vaccinated

Being immune-deficient is not a blessing. One needs to be so careful, all the time. One never knows which person will cough in the wrong direction, which person one contacts might be carrying some pathogen or illness. Considering the following data, and the list which follows, the unvaccinated are the least the immuno compromised's concerns. Because - NEWSFLASH - the unvaccinated are not carrying these illnesses. Unlike the vaccinated, who for a time might be silent carriers, or might carry an infection while being asymptomatic, when the unvaccinated do get sick (which is very infrequent), they have symptoms and know to stay home or to quarantine themselves. So what are the biggest killers in the world? HIV/AIDS:  1.6 million deaths in 2012 Tuberculosis:  1.3 million deaths in 2012 Pneumonia:  1.1 million children under the age of five, according to yearly estimates Inf...

Torah Logic

We have a MITZVAH to study Torah. We have a MITZVAH to teach our children Torah. We have a very old TRADITION to establish SCHOOLS for children where they may learn Torah. (credit: Rabbi Yehoshua ben Gamla) All BARRIERS to Torah study were CRITICIZED in the Talmud. Think about the story of Hillel climbing on the roof, and Rabban Gamliel, who kept hundreds of students out of the Beit Midrash. Going through time, when Jews lived in FOREIGN lands, Jews were sometimes called DISEASED, and sometimes blamed for NOT getting DISEASE. These accusations were always hurled at them by NON-JEWS. The accusations were based in anti-Semitism, proving that HATRED of JEWS does not follow any LOGIC. And these were always before such thing as vaccines existed.* Now. VACCINE SCIENCE IS SETTLED. There is no more PERFECT invention than VACCINES. VACCINES were CREATED by the GODS (of the pharmaceutical companies). They are SAFE and EFFECTIVE. Certainly MORE than they were in Jenner's day, and...

New Judaism - Statement of Principles

1. Pharmaceutical Company is God 2. A Jew who does not vaccinate is a murderer (Rodef) 3. A Jew who does not vaccinate has no value as a human being 4. A Jew who does not vaccinate has may not have a relationship with God 5. A Jew who does not vaccinate may not study Torah 6. Vaccination is the defining character of who is welcome in the Jewish community 7. If you question vaccine safety and the propaganda line of "safe and effective" - even in the face of insurmountable evidence to the contrary - you are a heretic 8. Leaving yourself or your children open to 'preventable disease' in the interest of the safety and long-term well being of your child makes you a fool 9. Everyone who does not vaccinate for the sake of the 'greater good' must answer to God Himself 10. If your child is injured through being vaccinated, you are immediately labeled "anti-vaxxer" and you are shunned from the community 11. Vaccines saved humanity, and you have no th...

Science is Never Settled

We veer from our normal discussion just to raise a small point about data, how it is analyzed, and what that means to statistics. The following piece relates to Global Warming. The same general arguments can be made about vaccine science. Yes - incidence of some diseases are down. But at what cost to our children? https://www. politics-ideas/climate-global- warming-data-locations/ Global Warming or Bad Data? Garbage in... SEPTEMBER 3, 2019   BY   JOHN STEELE GORDON Al Gore likes to say that the science of climate change is “settled.” But of course, science, almost by definition, is never settled. And climate science has always suffered from the problem of shaky and missing data. Seventy percent of the globe is covered by ocean, where data is hard to collect. Reliable weather records only go back to about 1850 and, in many parts of the world, are far more recent. Modern recording weather stations date only to the early 20th ce...

What makes a doctor an expert?

The Alter Rebbe has a fascinating comment about doctors when it comes to their expertise in treating someone who might need to eat on Yom Kippur. שולחן ערוך הרב אורח חיים סימן תריח:ח-ט סעיף ח  - אבל אם הרופא אומר שאינו צריך והחולה אינו יודע אין מאכילין אותו לפי שאינו יודע של חולה לאו כלום הוא שרובן של חולים אינן יודעין ובקיאין בחלי שלהן אבל אם החולה הוא בעצמו ג"כ רופא בקי והוא מכיר בחליו ואומר איני יודע אם צריך לאכול ביום הכיפורים מאכילין אותו לפי שאלו היה אומר צריך היו מאכילין אותו לכן גם עכשיו שאומר איני יודע מאכילין אותו מספק  סעיף ט  - ו אם הרופא אומר שאינו מכיר את חליו הרי הוא כשאר כל אדם ואין דבריו מעלין כשאומר צריך או שאומר איני יודע שיאכל על פיו וכן כשאומר אינו צריך אין דבריו מורידין כלל ואם החולה (אומר איני יודע או שהחולה) אומר איני צריך ורופא אחד אומר צריך מאכילין אותו ואין משגיחין בדברי רופא זה שאומר אינו צריך כיון שאינו מכיר את החולי  Essentially he says that when it comes to whether a person should eat, we take into consideration the viewpoin...