Discrimination 101

Imagine you're an Israeli couple.
Going on Shlichut.
You haven't vaccinated your kids - and have all your paperwork in order in Israel.
But you come to America.
Not realizing that America isn't being ruled by thoughtful people who understand subtlety and nuance.
By people who are tolerant of other life choices.
But you are coming to CRAZY TOWN USA
Where people believe that being unvaccinated EQUALS carrying the measles all the time.
(That is the most nonsensical equation. Go Pharma and hell-bound doctors.)

The school which hired you finds out.
And even though you live in a state which allows for religious exemptions, the school is "frummer" than the state!
So the school kicks out your kids.
And fires you.
Even though you gave up your home, sold your stuff, made a life investment in doing good for the Jewish people.

This happened.
This week. (September 2019)
True story.

Is this not evil? THIS IS PURE EVIL!


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