Chillul Hashem

One of the claims made is that Jews who choose not to vaccinate desecrate God's name.

It's an argument.

But the counter argument is that anything Jews do is fodder for anti-Semites' hatred.

Bernie Madoff is a Jew. I hate what he did. I had nothing to do with it. Anti-Semites will say all Jews do ponzi-schemes.

The vaccine-hesitancy movement has many more non-Jews in it than Jews. In that movement, who is the most reviled person? Dr. Stanley Plotkin, a Jew.

Why? Because Dr. Plotkin is the world's foremost expert in vaccines, has been involved in the making of the most vaccines, and is one of the most go-to people when it comes to the question of vaccines and their safety.

Dr. Plotkin was deposed last year in a custody battle where the divorcing couple had a debate over vaccinating the child at the center of their custody battle.

Dr. Plotkin was the expert witness to support the need to vaccinate the child.

He was on the stand for 8-9 hours. And he revealed a lot about the safety of vaccines. What came out is that many assumptions were made about vaccine safety, many warning signs were ignored in the interest of getting the vaccines to market, and that there is no such thing as a blind-placebo study in the creation of vaccines.

There are also tremendous moral conflicts anyone with a conscience would have if they knew how humans were experimented on against their will (or against their mental capacity or ability to protest).

The deposition can be found here in document form - you may find it easier to read than to watch 9 hours of video:

All of the videos of the deposition are on youtube.

Here are a couple of the most troubling videos (following the next paragraph).

Here is a Jew admitting he was involved in not just the abortion of many babies, but in research with their dismembered bodies. In the second video he describes how he experimented on orphans, the mentally handicapped ("mentally retarded children"), people "less likely to contribute to society, such as children with handicaps," "children and adults who are human-in-form but not with social potential," babies of mothers in prison, individuals under colonial rule (almost 1,000,000 people in the last of these).

Is this not a Chillul Hashem?

JEWS CAN'T WIN. So Jews should stop claiming Jews who have a different view about vaccines are a Chillul Hashem.


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