
If the unvaccinated were black, we'd cry racism.
If the unvaccinated were Japanese, we'd cry discrimination.
If the unvaccinated were transgender, we'd cry bigotry.

Here is a reality.
Stores don't put up signs saying "unvaccinated not welcome here."
Public buildings don't put up signs saying "unvaccinated not welcome here."
Libraries don't put up signs saying "unvaccinated not welcome here."
Stadiums don't put up signs saying "unvaccinated not welcome here."
Restaurants don't put up signs saying "unvaccinated not welcome here."
Churches don't put up signs saying "unvaccinated not welcome here."

There is no way to actually know this about people unless laws are made that people need to carry around their vaccination papers.

Is this the America we want?

Only Jewish institutions discriminate against Jews.
Schools: "unvaccinated not welcome here."
Shuls: "unvaccinated not welcome here."

Questioning vaccine safety is much larger than the Jewish community.

But it's the Jews who hate their own over this issue.

I am ashamed to be a Jew.


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