Lost My Faith in my Rabbi

I decided to talk to my rabbi. My husband and I made the decision, because the rabbi is a nice man. He is warm, he smiles, he seems reasonable. Maybe we can get through to him to realize that we are not the way media and social media and others depict us.

We are not crazy. We are not dumb. We have done our homework. We know what we are doing. We are taking a route of health for our children which nowadays sounds unconventional, but once upon a time is what everyone did. 

Why are we doing this? Because we know too many stories of people harmed by vaccines. We don't think the reward or benefit outweighs the risk.

We went to the rabbi and told him, because we were hoping he'd see us for who we are. We hoped he'd respect that we are informed and have done lots of research. We hoped he'd consider reversing the policy the shul just made.

 He became distraught. He actually started berating us. Calling us bad parents. Calling us irresponsible people. He started to say "Rodfim," but stopped shy of that.

Rodfim? Us? We wouldn't harm a fly.

We haven't bought a narrative. We don't trust the pharmaceutical companies. We haven't seen an adequate safety study for vaccines. No doctor we've asked has been able to either.

Our rabbi basically threw us out of his office.

 He won't talk to us, he called us names, and made inflammatory accusations. If we can't turn to our rabbi, who can we turn to?


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