Not "Anti-vaxx"

Forget about all the propaganda you hear.

Vaccine injuries are real. Even the honest doctors will admit it. There is no pharmacological product which is safe for everyone. We are all different.

But we are always told that vaccines are "safe and effective." And this might be true for many people. But it is not true for all people.

I was a younger adult when I had my vaccine injury. I received my injection - because I wasn't an "anti-vaxxer" (how could I be anti if I was getting one?). And then I passed out. I was very sick for 5 days before going into a coma, and I almost died.

That might give me a medical exemption. But until my child has a vaccine and is injured, my child does not qualify for a medical exemption. They don't offer tests to see if my child might react negatively to a vaccine!

But how can I run the risk? I was lucky! So I don't have full use of my arm. But how can I be told - vaccinate your child or he cannot go to yeshiva?

Yes. We know the risks of being unvaccinated: Every disease under the sun can come upon us (even though there are vaccines for very few illnesses, and some of them are not even for contagious illnesses). I'll take my chances with Hashem and one kind of unknown (will my child get sick? If he does get sick, we'll work our way through it) instead of a different unknown (if I inject this product, what will happen?).

One thing I know for certain. While the vaccines are sometimes and maybe even often effective at stopping symptoms, they are not perfect.

I've been told "Vaccinate him. He'll be fine." And what if my genetic predisposition to vaccine injury is in my child? What if he gets injured? Who will help me get through the life change or medical bills? Can anyone guarantee he will be fine?

Of course not.

Please understand! If I KNEW the vaccine were 100% safe, of course I'd do it. It's a no-brainer. But I don't KNOW that, because no one can know that. The vaccine manufacturer knows it's not 100% safe.

What I'm trying to say is I'm not "anti." I am "ex," or, as I prefer, I question vaccine safety, which is why I am what some call "vaccine hesitant."

The studies are simply not there to PROVE vaccines are safe (many of the safety studies compare vaccinated kids with vaccinated kids who received one to three fewer vaccines... that is not a true safety study). Were they there, I'd have nothing to fear! But they're not.

So he has been home since November. We try to make the best of it, but I am not adequately trained to teach him what he was learning in yeshiva. My husband works a full time job.

What's worse? No one from the school calls to see how he's doing. His friends are forbidden by their parents to play with him. He's not sick! But they've been trained to think he is sick all the time because he is unvaccinated.

This is how Jews treat one another? We don't care about you if you are unvaccinated - even if the reason is a very good one!

We do our hishtadlus. We daven. We take care of ourselves. But a neshama is being destroyed because we simply can't vaccinate. Every school made a policy that we are unwelcome. Are we not fellow Jews?


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