Reality Check on Unvaccinated

Many shuls in the United States put out a statement of some kind regarding measles, some extending to say the unvaccinated should not come to shul. Others were a little less draconian, suggesting that while measles is a concern for all, no one will be barred from coming in to the shul. 

So here is the reality check

Unvaccinated people are not contagious!

I know it's hard to believe! 
Unvaccinated people do not carry the plague! 
Unvaccinated people do not have rabies!

Vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike are dangerous (as in, capable of spreading disease) when they have the infection in them.  (See conclusion below)

The fact that people are turning on their neighbors, friends and relatives, and telling them they are dangerous just goes to show how much misinformation is out there. 

Lashon Hora is pervasive. Talking about people who do not vaccinate as if they are lepers would be laughable if it weren't so sad.

Final thoughts.

Go ahead and vaccinate! If you vaccinate, you're protected. 
Why are you blaming the unvaccinated if you get the disease? It can only be because the vaccine you got didn't work! Secondly, sometimes it's the vaccinated who spread the disease, to other vaccinated people (whose immunity from the vaccine has waned). 

To conclude: unvaccinated people are not dangerous. Only when acutally ill (and a very short time before and after) is someone who is unvaccinated contagious. Same is true for the vaccinated - not just when ill, but when shedding the virus for the few weeks post vaccination.


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