Towards Empathy and Understanding

Some rabbis we have spoken to have shown empathy in private. Some have shown antipathy and disdain. I guess it boils down to their own personal stance about vaccines. As well as how they view or judge other Jews.

If you are at the very least interested in hearing what "the other side" is, as well as why no one wants to have a debate with anyone who questions vaccine safety, read the contents of the link below. It's only 4 pages.

And the science is definitely not settled.

Some doctors claim to those who question vaccine safety, "Vaccines are a victim of their own success." The claim is that vaccines saved humanity (smallpox and polio are the big talking points - maybe we'll talk about it in the future). The thing is it's hard to argue that when every stat chart of vaccine-targeted illnesses shows how the mortality rate of the illness had gone down to a statistical ZERO even BEFORE the vaccine came to market. Which means that vaccines jumped on the train to prevent people from getting the disease altogether, though people weren't dying anymore anyway.

And why weren't they dying? Because America had evolved and become a cleaner and more hygienic society.

We argue that "The success of vaccines has created a vaccuum that was unforeseeable, but is now coming back to destroy our success."

The goal of vaccines is eradication of illness. But illness is much stronger than vaccines. It is always around. It's just a question of whether the illness can work its way around the vaccine. Look at the campaigns to get your flu shot every year. The reality is that the more a person gets a flu shot (yearly, that is) the less likely it will be effective in subsequent years. Your body won't be "tricked" anymore, and the chances of getting the flu are basically the same if you do or do not get the shot. (Those who promote vaccines will say, "you might get the flu, but it won't be as bad as it could have been." As if they know for sure.)

The less we are exposed to illnesses, the less our body naturally gets boosters, and the more prone we all are to getting sick. This is absolutely the fault of mass-vaccination. But you won't hear about it, because it would require a lot of people to say, "We made a big mistake." And no one likes to admit that.

So here are some basic facts, mostly from government sources.

It would be great if there were a reasonable counter argument to all of these.
Go ahead and comment away.

In the meantime, reading this should help you understand where we are coming from, and why what we need is empathy and understanding, instead of vilification and excommunication.


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