What I've Been Told

"You have no human value unless you vaccinate."

How am I the problem?
How are my children the problem?
Human value?

This attitude is pervasive.

The Jewish community is facing a terrible crisis.

It is not being caused by the unvaccinated.

It is coming from the fear-mongering being perpetrated by local government and doctors who have forgotten what civil liberties are. They ignore "informed consent," "do no harm," and an international recommended code (1947) some of which has been widely accepted as a gold standard in ethical healthcare practices. They do not care for the middos, because they are only responsible for their own behavior. Since they just make pronouncements from a bully pulpit and don't interact as neighbors with one another, there is no fall out for their bad behavior.

The terrible middos which is now excused by the rabbis, and even perpetrated by many rabbis, is shameful.

The rabbis who support this attitude should be ashamed of themselves because they are fomenting hate instead of love (V'ahavta L'reiacha Kamocha), and are not reminding their constituents that even when we disagree we can all be part of the same community.


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