What Would Our Grandparents Think?

Maybe our grandparents would think everyone should vaccinate.
Maybe they wouldn't.
It would really depend on if all the information about vaccines were readily available for all to see.
It isn't, which is part of the problem.

But they'd be mystified how vaccination is the litmus test as to whether we let Jews in our community institutions.

None of them had vaccines. They didn't see other Jews as disease-carrying dangerous people.

So here is how it goes today:

You don't keep Shabbos? No problem.
You're a sexually active homosexual? No problem.
You don't follow the rules of taharat hamishpacha? No problem.
You eat non-kosher? No problem.
You are intermarried? No problem.
You speak Lashon Hora regularly? No problem.
You are unethical in certain business practices? No problem.


You don't vaccinate? Get out of here! You are not welcome to daven, you are not welcome to study, you are not welcome to be part of this community, you are a pariah! You are evil! You are disgusting! How could you? You are a danger to everyone! You want us all to die! You don't care about the immuno-compromised! Judaism HAS NO PLACE FOR YOU.

Rabbis have opinions about vaccines. The Torah says nothing about vaccines.

Our grandparents who went through the Holocaust would be ashamed that this is our reality today. 


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