The Aryan-ization of the Orthodox Community

Here is the new normal.
The Orthodox community has become an arm and leg for the pharmaceutical industry and the CDC.

If you do not vaccinate your children, if you do not go lock-step with the thought that all vaccines are safe and effective, if you do not follow the homogeneity of the vaccines-only worldview, you have no value as a human being, no value as a Jew, and there is no place for you in the Jewish community.

This is the new normal.

Sorry to use 1930s imagery. But if you don't see how some parts of the Jewish community are behaving towards others, you have not learned the lessons of history. And we are now doing this to our own.

Orthodox Judaism used to question things.

Now we say, "We trust our doctors" because we have no wherewithal to do our own research, to read studies, to listen to parents who have witnessed adverse events in their children immediately following vaccination.

The world allows for medical exemptions to vaccination. But we Orthodox Jewish institutions, including schools, shuls and camps, we know better. We tell people their medical exemption isn't good enough.

Most states allow for religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccination. But we Orthodox Jewish institutions know better. Since no rabbi will say vaccinations are forbidden, obviously there is no religious exemption within Judaism.

Right! Because that is how halacha works! There is no such thing as a dissenting opinion. All those debates in the Talmud? That's just a show. They weren't really debating, asking questions, trying to get to the core of understanding issues. They didn't go to the minutest detail to really get to the root of understanding things.

They simply asked their leaders and ruled accordingly. There was never a time when even the greatest rabbis were challenged. There was never a time when a minority view turned out to be correct.

(In case it was not clear, the previous 4 paragraphs - beginning from "the world" through "turned out to be correct" - were written with sarcasm)

This new normal is throwing scores of Jews out. No place to send kids to school. No place to daven. No place to live. Those who vaccinate have been taught by the rabbis to hate those who do not vaccinate.

Lashon Hora about those who don't vaccinate? Totally permissible!
Ostracizing and kicking out those who don't vaccinate? Rabbinically approved!
Hating Jews for opting out of putting un-accountable biologics into our children? Yes yes yes!

Sounds like 1930s. Just the Jews "in charge" are the ones throwing out the Jews who think differently.



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