The Pain is REAL

A letter picked up by Jewish Vaccine Stories.
The saddest parts of this letter?
Exactly the same as the saddest parts of this letter (see top of that link)

Dear sisters and brothers throughout the world, 

We are mothers just like you. 
 Our kids are kids just like your kids. We love our kids just as much as you love your kids. We may have different views then you and even different within similar views. 

Our kids are not contaminated. They don't carry infections every day of their lives just like your kids don't.  I am a mom of a nice amount of children.  My first ones were all fully vaccinated as per CDC recommendations. Then along came 1 baby who was born with a different set of needs.  There were complications that made me very wary of giving the shots on the schedule. I asked my dr to wait until some other issues were taken care of and the answer was "either you do it as per this schedule or your family needs to leave my practice.  You have 1 week to decide." I had a newborn with complications and my entire family was dropped and looking for a new pediatrician right then. When I joined the new practice I also started to do a little more research so that I would know which vaccines are most important and which I should hold off with for a later date. I spoke to a dr who I feel is very honest about which are more vs less important and based on that my younger kids have all had some vaccines and others we have held off on. 

Then came the hatred. 

It is beyond my capacity of understanding to be able to fathom the reason for the hatred. 
Do you realize what you sound like when you spew this hatred? 

Your hatred has sent me to look into the vaccines more then I did before. Now I know that I don't want to get any more vaccines for my kids. I have seen that the CDC facts don't match up with the hype in the news. They also don't always match up with facts. 

Why do educated moms and dads choose to vaccinate? 
Yes I know because the doctors know best. 
Why do the doctors push for it?
Oh yes, because they've been told to in medical school.  
Have doctors been educated in medical school about the contents of the vaccines? The adverse reactions? The statistics of how many have been killed due to the illness vs how many have been killed due to the vaccine? Or are they simply following protocol?

For the sake of your children, would you look into the numbers? Today there is a hype about measels. From the information i am seeing, since 2003 there has been one death blamed on measels and that one person had pneumonia at the time so very likely that is what caused the death. Unfortunately,  there have been more deaths due to the mmr vaccine. 

If the vaccine works so well, what are you afraid of if my child and yours are in the same school? If the vaccine works why would your child get sick? I get that you want to punish me and my children so sometimes your rationale doesn't really make sense. Do you think if my kid is not in school he also won't be in the shoe store, the mall, the playground.....? So if your kid can catch the measels from my healthy child in school he can catch it by being in the park too. Do you walk up to every mom in the mall and say "excuse me, has your child been vaccinated?" And what about the children who were in the playground just before you came and played in the sandbox your child is now playing in? 

Now the schools and camps have decided to jump onto this hype scene. Administrators, do you really  think that banning our children will keep your camp from having anyone with measels? Did you read about the measels cases in Detroit? Those people were vaccinated. You do know that for some, the vaccines don't bring immunity right?for others it can bring instant illness. Oh and is the camp going on any trips this summer? Will you be checking that all of the outsiders in those same places have been vaccinated? Let's get real. 

Shockingly enough I would like my child to get the measels now. If he were to get the measels he would have lifelong immunity,  he would be allowed to go to camp, and he would most likely be a lot healthier then if he were to get the vaccine. 

I wonder if you moms and dads even recognize some injuries your child may have incurred from vaccines but don't want to notice them because the doctors have tried to brush it off. For your own sake, and for your childrens, would you please just request and read the package insert when you go for your next appointment that includes vaccines? Read the ingredients,  read the possible reactions (many of which include death rachmana litzlan!) and try to just be open minded to your fellow sisters and brothers around the world who may have taken a different approach then you BECAUSE WE ALSO CARE ABOUT OUR CHILDREN!!! None of us are cursing you out, none of us are screaming for your kids to be taken away from you, none of us are asking for you to be put in jail. None of us are trying to have your kids get shunned and kicked out of schools and camps. It is time you give us the same courtesy. 

I wish I could sign my name but due to the hatred that has been so forthcoming and my shlichus I am not able to.


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