The unvaccinated versus 99%

"99% agree!"
"99% vaccinate!"
"What's wrong with you?"

You are absolutely right. What is wrong with me? (I'll get back to 99% argument after the photo)

This is what is wrong with me.  This is what is wrong with me.

I've heard the argument that vaccine hesitancy attacks the magic of vaccines. That vaccines are the victims of their own success.

And I don't buy it. Because while I accept that vaccines have lowered the incidence of some diseases (the mortality rate from vaccine-preventable illnesses in first-world countries with good food, water and hygiene dropped to statistical 0 before the vaccine!), a. I know that the vaccines are not 100% effective (they will not have any positive affect on 3-10% of those who get them), and b. I know with absolutely certainty that they are not 100% safe AT ALL. The side impact of vaccines is a bubble that will burst and explode some time in the near future when people open their eyes. (you can go on youtube and hear hundreds or even thousands of stories of people who lost babies/children or who whose children were maimed for life immediately after a round of vaccines)

Image result for head in the sand image

So about those 99% arguments.

More than 99% of the world isn't Amish. Should the Amish conform to the real world?
More than 99% of the world isn't native islanders. Should the native islanders give up their way of life?
More than 99% of the world ISN'T JEWISH. Should Jews stop being Jews?

Those who vaccinate talk about the need to create a Herd Immunity. Whether one believes in the concept or thinks it's a pharma-lie, there is one thing that is clear. Those who walk lock-step in the "vaccinate everybody" camp are indeed part of the herd. Not even interested in hearing a different side, not even interested in exploring a little bit of data, not even interested in why people choose not to be part of the "99%" (though I wonder if it really is 99%!).

Who is a sheep who blindly follows, and who is a thinking individual who researches and draws conclusions?

One thing has become clear to me. Those who insist on vaccination for all have never adequately addressed safety concerns.

They make fun of those who don't vaccinate - calling them stupid, sharing memes of slapping people in the head, insult their intelligence.

They make inflammatory accusations of those who don't vaccinate - calling them murderers, claiming they don't love their own children, claiming they don't love anyone else's children.

They make ad-hominem attacks - dropping friendships, speaking Lashon Hora, and claiming they are disease-carrying people (which is taken straight from the anti-Semitism playbook, just you've become a shill for the pharmaceutical industry.)

Proud to be in the 1%!!! I took a page from the Jewish people, and I am standing for what I know is a proper choice for myself and my family.


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