What do you know about vaccines?

If your answer is, "I trust my doctor,"
If your answer is, "They saved the world from polio and smallpox,"
If your answer is, "They save millions of people every year,"

then you know very little about vaccines.

Can you answer these questions?

  • How much of an impact did vaccines have on the mortality rates of diseases?
  • Who coined the term "vaccines are safe and effective?"
  • Who does the safety studies for vaccines?
  • Have you ever heard of VAERS?
  • Do you know what an adverse event from vaccines is?
  • When did vaccine-makers become immune from liability? (You can not sue them!)
  • When did the vaccine schedule change from under 15 vaccines (and boosters) for children through all of childhood to 72 vaccines (some are combined so it's not 72 injections) through childhood?
  • How were studies on effectiveness of vaccines conducted?
  • How many children were involved in the safety studies?
  • Were vaccines tested on babies, pregnant women, nursing women, adults of all ages, elderly?
  • Was there ever a double-blind placebo study (required for drug-makers) over a many-years period to determine if vaccines are "safe"?
  • Since you probably don't trust Big Pharma (think "Vioxx"), why do you assume their vaccine program is trustworthy, especially since they can't be sued (your legal recourse for injury is through suing the US govt's Health and Human Services Dept), vaccines are 'biologics' (not subject to the same kind of safety and oversight as 'drugs'), and the CDC has patents for vaccines?
  • What is the real story behind smallpox? And polio?
  • How did typhoid and scarlet fever disappear without a vaccine?
  • Why isn't tuberculosis vaccine used in the US?
  • What ingredients are in vaccines?
  • Could you swallow a vaccine?
  • What age groups were vaccines tested on?
  • Have you ever seen or read a vaccine insert?
  • When did the US see a significant uptick in chronic diseases in children, in allergies, in childhood cancers? (And how might that be related to the change in the vaccine schedule?)
  • How much time does a med student (future doctor) spend studying vaccines in medical school?
  • How much time does a doctor spend studying vaccines after getting degree and license?
  • Is there a difference between a "scientific study" on vaccines and a "medical study" on vaccines?
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Monsey, NY