What's Up With the Hatred?

We are still waiting for Moshiach and the Third Beis HaMikdash.

Our memory is hazy, but it is pretty well established that the Beis HaMikdash was destroyed because of hatred. Of course there is no such thing as "baseless" hatred. There is always a reason for hatred. How can I hate someone I don't know, with whom I have had no contact?

Something rubs me the wrong way, and I hate... - THAT is what Sinas Chinum is. Hating a person because a person is different.

Those of us who choose not to vaccinate don't hate you. We don't care what you do!
You want to vaccinate? Vaccinate! Protect your child from disease!

My child is not a danger to you in general (my child is not sick or carrying a disease).
If my child should chas veshalom get sick, I will quarantine him until his illness passes.

He is not carrying disease.

So why do you hate me? Why do you hate my child? Why do you assume I hate my child? Why do you assume I hate your child?

Maybe you don't think Moshiach should come.

It is beyond silly to hate someone over their CHOICE of whether to use a pharmaceutical product.

Do you hate me if a doctor prescribes for me to take an anti-biotic and I prefer to suffer through a malady?

Why do you get SO emotional over vaccines, just because the CDC recommends it?


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