Talking Points? Yes. Talking Points

The current vaccine stance is tantamount to doctors recommending tobacco smoking 
(similar to experts in the 1960s encouraging mothers NOT to breastfeed) 

Control over Congress 
In 2017, Pharma sent over 1,500 lobbyists with $279 million to Capitol Hill to push their agenda. - ALL “short urls” forward to original sources like || The ACIP 15 member board with unresolved conflicts of interest sets the recommended vaccine schedule

Pharmaceutical Influence over the Medical Field 
Payments to doctors, U.S. teaching hospitals for promotional talks, research and consulting. Over $9 billion (Aug 2013- Dec 2016) || Pharma spends more on marketing than research:

Conflict of Interests 
Center For Disease Control (CDC) is responsible for both ensuring vaccine safety and increasing vaccine usage. CDC purchases over $5 Billion in vaccines to distribute.

Supreme Court rules vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) receives 10,000s of reports per year which is estimated to be 1% of actual cases || Institute of Medicine (IOM) says “VSD (Vaccine Safety Datalink) is currently the best available system for studying the safety of the immunization schedule in the United States.” But access is denied || IOM concludes there not enough evidence to show whether TDaP causes autism or not

Lawsuits / Liability 
Neither vaccine manufacturers nor administrators can be sued for vaccine injury. The industry has no liability. The relatively unknown government run Vaccine Injury Compensation Program hears cases and has paid out over $4 billion in damages. Health & Human Services (HHS) has never presented any required biennial vaccine safety reviews to Congress since 1989 as required by law.

Senior CDC researcher, William Thompson, and his team were told to destroy data showing the MMR significantly affected African Americans. Thompson saved hard copies but since he is a government worker, he must be subpoenaed to testify. Only Rep Bill Posey has the courage to call for Thompson’s subpoena.

Most countries do not allow pharmaceutical products to be advertised to consumers. USA media is heavily dependent on pharma advertising revenue and thereby controls media

10,000s parents are convinced vaccines caused injury to their child, 10,000s more are told otherwise. It is not 1 in a million. is a collage of 263 video’s (< 1 min).

Those who question vaccines in this highly conservative profession are harassed by insurance companies, medical boards, organizations, peers and employers. A brave minority of doctors are part of Physicians for Informed Consent - many 100s refuse to go public.

One Key Study
Where is a retrospective study comparing vaxxed versus unvaxxed population? Pilot study:

Jewish Law – “Schools cannot refuse non-vaccinated children” signed by: - Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Malkiel Kotler, Rav Eliezer Dunner, Rav Shmuel Meir Katz, Rav Binyomin Zev Halperin, Rav Osher Chashval, Rav Matisyahu Salomon (Lakewook Mashgiach)

Points of Interest 

 USA has the highest vaccination rate and a higher infant mortality than 55 other countries.
 Vaccines contain toxic ingredients including aluminum, a neurotoxin -
 Clinical trials of vaccines last days or weeks unlike drug trials conducted for years.
 In 1999 Merck created a “hitlist” of doctors criticizing Vioxx to discredit them -
 Harvard study shows 2.74 million serious adverse drug reactions per year.
 1 in 59 children has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). This new epidemic is not from better diagnosis. NJ finding 1 in 22 boys, &
 Herd immunity is based on a certain percent of people getting the wild disease and building immunity thereby protecting everyone. The initial target was 55% but the threshold has been raised many times in hopes of eradication.
 In 1983 CDC recommended 23 doses of 7 vaccines (DPT, MMR, polio) between two months and age six. In 2018 CDC recommends: 69 doses of 16 vaccines to age 18 Vaccinations for adults are starting to be pushed
 Censorship is rampant. Public prochoice vaccination figures have had their FB, youtube and pinterest pages removed – CNN removed the article, “Former CDC Head and Current Merck President Caught in Fraud Scandal.” Third party fact checking organizations like Politifact, Factcheck and Snopes decide what is fake news (Snopes receives funding from an undisclosed source)
 Most vaccine package inserts state: “vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility”
 Nuremberg Code states: “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”
 Quote (unknown): “It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
 “First Do No Harm” – Vaccines are given to healthy people, so a higher level of precaution is called for.
 Vaccine training for doctors is minimal, it mainly consists of administering and scheduling vaccinations. Doctors are not scientists nor virologists nor toxicologists. They are in one of the most conservative professions and are concerned about following protocol for insurance, medical boards, organizational standing and peers.

Jewish references:
 Rabbi Yehudah Kiddushin 82. "The best of doctors is destined for hell".
 Rashi, doctors are so focused on the business end of medicine that they only heal those who can pay.
 Ramban, Medical interventions are nothing but a danger. What heals one person kills another.
 Meiri, “At times doctors do not know the etiology of the disease and how it should be treated, and yet pretend as if they do.”
 Shlomo Ibn Virga, “be a good doctor or else you could go to hell”
 The Maharal, “A physician who is not also an expert in G-d's Torah will view his subjects as nothing but material beings. Therefore he is destined for hell...”


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