"Rodef!" "Murderer!"

Stop it. Just stop it.

We addressed why this argument is nonsense on a scientific level here.

Rodef is very simple in halacha. A rodef is literally pursuing someone with designs on murder. Anyone who witnesses the rodef in hot pursuit is allowed to kill the rodef without being subject to penalty under the law. It is essentially a good samaritan self-defense kind of law.

If you believe those who don't vaccinate are rodfim, you believe that halacha allows you to kill them.

If the only thing that is holding you back from committing murder on these rodfim is US law, you are genuinely mad.

Obviously no decent human being truly believes that a vaccination status is a determining factor in who is a rodef.

Besides - in many cases it has been vaccinated adults (who had waned immunity because vaccines - shockingly - don't last forever, or maybe, they're not as effective as you think) who have spread measles.

So, based on your argument, we should view vaccinated adults as rodfim, and ready up the guillotine. Right?

(That last statement is meant to be ironic, as we here at vaccinejewishstories do not advocate murder or executions over anyone's vaccine status)


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