More Questions For Those Who Think We Are Wrong

Questions to ask yourself/medical professionals/those unsure about vaccines/those who are negative about those who choose not to vaccinate: Please note these are not even close to all of the questions you should ask or things you should look into. This is a brief overview rather than an in depth discussion, but they're a good start and pave the way for true informed consent.

Have you requested and read all the vaccine inserts and questioned why these aren't routinely given to parents?

 Do you understand there is absolutely no science behind the times/ages vaccines are given? (You will see the schedules vary around the world)

Have you researched each individual ingredient, why they are in the vaccine,what they can do to you and all the problems they are linked to?

 Do you find it strange that many ingredients on their own outside of vaccines are considered deadly poisons but apparently become magically safe once added to a vaccine?

Have you researched each disease thoroughly and weighed it against the potential harm of vaccines?

Do you understand that some vaccines claim to provide protection for a disease when they actually only protect against certain strains or types of the disease? (HPV is a great example here).

Do you understand a child would have to be between 54kg and 212kg to cope with the amount of aluminium in vaccines based on those safe limits set by health organizations? (this is an example of how poisonous only one adjuvant is).

Have you read any peer reviewed studies for both sides?

 Since studies have been done showing a huge decrease in adverse reactions and death following vaccines if vaccines are delayed to begin at 2 years old, why haven't' there been any amendments to the schedule?

 Isn't it strange we are encouraged to give our children acetaminophen following vaccination when this is shown to increase the risk for serious reactions? (This is because glutathione is required to detoxify viruses, heavy metals, vaccine ingredients, pesticides etc and pamol depleates glutathione in the body when the body needs it most.)

Why is the flu vaccine pushed when it has such a low efficacy rate and causes spreadable illness in so many recipients?

Do you understand the difference between immunization and vaccination and how a natural immune system actually works?

 Do you know the efficacy rates for each vaccine?

Since no vaccine has a 100% efficacy rate why is immunity not routinely tested once an individuals vaccinations are complete?

Do you know vaccines aren't independently tested and that if your child is injured or killed the manufacturers cannot be held responsible?

Are you aware some vaccines are heavily fast tracked and get even less testing?

Have you looked into how many outbreaks are caused by vaccinated individuals (it's a large number)?

 Do you know that for most of the diseases we vaccinate for, the vast majority will be asymptomatic or have very mild cases? (when unvaccinated!)

 Have you looked at vaccines during pregnancy and the lack of testing/severe dangers/reported reactions? (including miscarriage and stillbirth).

Have you looked into how many deaths occur each year from each disease?

Have you researched the history of each disease and noted how things like hygiene play a huge part in the decrease in occurrence?

How do you feel about chicken pox being marketed as a deadly disease when up until recently it was considered a normal childhood illness?

 Have you compared the current schedules around the world to the schedules 10/20/30 etc years ago, seen which changes have been made and why?

Are you ok with the fact there is no adequate testing of vaccines being shoved together into cocktails?

 Does it concern you there are no longterm studies (from vaccine manufacturers and health organizations) comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children?

 Do you understand that vaccines are a multi billion dollar business?

 Have you read your country's immunization handbook?

If so does it concern you that there are pages dedicated to coercing parents who question them or have concerns?

Have you had your child checked for an MTHFR gene mutation (which affect a huge number of children nowadays) or mitochondrial disorders? Because vaccines have been proven to be even more dangerous to people with these conditions.

 Furthermore why is MTHFR not part of routine infant testing since these mutations affect a large number of people?

Have you spoken to anyone with a vaccine injured child?

 Have you looked at the correlation between the dramatic increase of vaccines in the schedules and the dramatic increase of health problems? (for example, allergies, skin problems, gastric issues, asd, autoimmune disease to name a few).

Do you know how much training doctors, nurses and other medical professionals actually have regarding vaccines?


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