Science and a Conversation

This is one of the most thoughtful and rational treatment of the subject we have seen

Here is a fascinating article about what science is today - it has nothing to do with vaccines, so no one need get angry reading it.

It's basically all about confirmation bias. When we live in an echo chamber, we can't imagine anyone else believes something else. We also deny their information as being ridiculous or ignorant, even if we can't back up those claims (of ridicule and ignorance). 

It's certainly easier to just be dismissive (not to mention nasty) to those with whom we disagree. 

We still believe it would be easier to convince those who vaccinate that the risks of vaccinating outweigh the risks of not vaccinating than it would be to convince those who don't vaccinate that the risks of not vaccinating outweigh the risks of vaccinating - if given equal time and having a respectful dialogue.

As the author of the first article linked above said, "I am in favor of conversation."

Sadly, too many Jews are not in favor of conversation.


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