The NEW Ten Commandments

These are the words which God spoke at Mt Sinai (hospital)

1. Vaccines are the lord god who took us out of illness
2. Thou Shalt have not any other god than the CDC
3. Thou shalt not question the safety of vaccines, even with mounting stories of people who have suffered terrible injuries from vaccines, including short term, long term, and life-altering forever.
4. Honor thy doctor who repeats the 'safety studies' of Pharma and CDC (which safety studies?). Honor thy posek who repeats what the doctor says, and has somehow lost all empathy for people who have suffered vaccine injuries.
5. Honor Pharmaceutical company propaganda and have it erase all rational thinking from your mind. This will grant you long life. Thou shalt simply call a group of thinking individuals "anti-vaxxers" thereby closing off conversation, as if these people who have valid evidence-based concerns over vaccine safety are lunatics.

6. Thou shalt not question the sacrifices people must make for "the greater good."
7. Thou shalt not engage in conversation with anti-vaxxers
8. Thou shalt not acknowledge the humanity of anti-vaxxers
9. Thou shalt not see how all your preachings about Sinas Chinam are hypocritical when you allow an exception to hate anti-vaxxers and you demand to isolate them from society
10. You shall not value them or their children, nor shall you have any empathy for their children's Jewish education, their children's desire to go to summer camp, or all of their needs to pray in a synagogue.

 "You shall hate your neighbor because he/her/their children are unvaccinated. This is an important principle of the Torah." - Rabbi Akiva
"Do unto others what you would never want done to yourself. The rest of the Torah is commentary." - Hillel the Elder


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