Why We Stopped Vaccinating

Dear Jewish Vaccine Stories

Here is our story. We live in the Northeast. Baruch Hashem we have a lot of children. We vaccinated our older children, because we followed what our doctors told us.

Our second to last child was developing fine, and after a vaccine he was not 100% the way he had been before. we wrote it off. Everything had been fine in the past, to the best of our knowledge. But then we vaccinated our youngest child, who was a baby at the time.

He had been rolling over. He stopped rolling over. He cried, was inconsolable. He had fevers, his life changed from that vaccine. It took two years before he started rolling over again.

Our doctor, who has a huge practice, listened to our questions and concerns. And then walked out of the meeting without responding. We waited 15 minutes then asked when he'd be back and were told "You're done. When would you like to schedule your next vaccination?"

We were stunned. The denial was unconscionable. The chutzpah to think we would do this again was off the charts. Thank God we stopped our second to youngest at the time, and he is fine today. But our youngest is over 20, lives at home and care for him is 24 hr/365 days a year job, except when he goes to a summer program for people with special needs.

This was 20 years ago. Everyone we know who doesn't vaccinate had a similar problem and has a vaccine-injured/damaged child. We wish we had known then what we know now.

Of course we left that pediatric practice. We've since found out that that doctor drops patients who refuse to vaccinate. Compliance is what it's all about. Don't ask questions.

We've seen the vaccine inserts because we've done our homework! Most parents don't get to see it. They don't know. It's so so so sad. The rates of children with problems have exploded in our community, and everyone except those affected (and even some of those affected) are in denial.

We cannot believe what our community has become. Anyone who says a criticism of vaccines is now blacklisted. People don't want to business with you, have anything to do with you, or be your friend. So we stay quiet about it.

What other choice did we have though?

We "took one for the team," right? For the greater good, right?

We are sad for what has happened to the Jewish community.


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