The Big Lies of Rabbis who Push Vaccine Policies

There is a rabbi in New York who is largely responsible for influencing rabbis around the world to hate Jews who do not vaccinate. He blames "frum yidden" for all the "preventable diseases" in the world. Nothing is more anti-Semitic than such a canard, but why get into semantics?

He is responsible for these two gems.

Lie: Someone who does not vaccinate is a loaded gun

Why it's a lie: As every pro-2nd amendment person will tell you: a loaded gun is not the danger. The problem is who is behind the loaded gun. But, they say, "A loaded gun can accidentally fire at any time." Perhaps this is true. We at jewishvaccinestories are not familiar with people knowing what they're doing and being responsible having these kinds of accidents. But nevertheless, that is not the point.

The reason it is a lie is because a loaded gun can be seen. People are aware of its potential power. Were it to be pulled out, the danger can be seen, isolated and taken out of commission.

Both people who are unvaccinated AND people who ARE vaccinated can be potential carriers of any virus. Go to a hospital and see how they recommend those recently vaccinated to not visit someone who is immune-compromised. Even if not recently vaccinated, it has been shown that the Mumps vaccine is worthless, as mumps outbreaks have been seen in fully vaccinated populations. And pertussis can be carried asymptomatically (and thus transmitted to unvaccinated babies) by people who are completely unaware they are carrying the disease.

An unvaccinated person who is not sick is not sick. An unvaccinated person who is sick will stay home. A vaccinated person who is not sick might actually be carrying a disease asymptomatically.

So withholding a child from getting education is really prejudice against people who have not bought into the pharmaceutical industry's capture of an industry. It is no different than assuming certain races carried disease, as were prominent beliefs until very recent times.

Lie: Not getting a vaccine is like not wearing a seatbelt

Why it's a lie: A seatbelt is what you wear when you get in a car, for purposes of protecting yourself in the event you get into a car accident (we'll leave planes out of the discussion for now). Most car rides do not end in accident, so while it is certainly advisable to wear one, in most cases if one does not wear a seatbelt, nothing will happen.

Certainly it is true that most people do not encounter a disease or a virus, and therefore, even without a vaccine they'll be fine (reminder: if you aren't exposed to a virus you don't catch the virus, and sometimes even those exposed don't get it).

But here is the difference! When you park the car and get out of the car, you unlock the seatbelt and your body is free and clear of the seatbelt. Not only that, but no one has to issue a warning that the wearing of a seatbelt might cause all kinds of secondary reactions, adverse events, or even life-altering (for the rest of life) or death-inducing reactions.

Even if you are protected against a disease (though no vaccine is perfect, and every vaccine's efficacy wanes over time), after the vaccination, you still carry whatever else the vaccine will do to you. Which is very unlike a seatbelt.

A vaccine is more like wearing a Hazmat suit and gas-mask which can malfunction and cause your death all the time. So, mr Rabbi, it would be better to ask people who don't vaccinate - "Would you leave your house without a HazMat suit and a possible-to-malfunction gas mask?"

Since the answer is yes, we all do that all the time, this lie is a useless argument for the need to vaccinate.

Vaccine-hesitancy comes from a very genuine concern of the side effects (allergies, life-long conditions, infertility, death) that are warned of in every vaccine insert. Just as no one is forced to take any anti-biotic (read the inserts, people!), no one should be forced to take vaccines which carry very serious risks. 


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