COVID Shot and Anecdotal Evidence

 One of the biggest fallouts of the last 15 months is in how science, debate, and the response to COVID was orchestrated (awfully) by governments, Big Pharma, and Big Tech.

For fun, some names will be altered, to try to avoid censorship here.

The censorship by such bad actors as Flacebrook, Yu Twob, Tritttter, and other social media platforms has demonstrated that there is no interest in dialogue, discussion, debate - only in dogma which comes from ONE PERSPECTIVE.

We here at jewishvaccinestories certainly want no part of the vaccinism religion.

Once upon a time if you didn't like a doctor's opinion, you went for a second one (or a third, etc) until you got a different opinion that you liked. 

Now, only one opinion is allowed, and everyone else is silenced, disavowed, destroyed, fired. In the United States of America. It's a combination of cancel culture, wokeness, hating people who question safety of pharmaceuticals/biologics, especially when we're dealing with a new medical intervention, that is experimental, that certainly can't automatically be safe for all.

So. The reports of deaths, heart attacks, blood clots, myocarditis, convulsions, tingly feelings throughout the body, aside from the typical fevers and chills, being exhausted for days after the shot, not to mention the odd ovulation cycles, the miscarriages, the body no longer producing milk.. ALL of this is "anecdotal" and "coincidence" and "unsupported." 

And what is "safe and effective" FOR ALL(?) if not pure (and by "pure" we mean "gross" and "evil") PROPAGANDA?

Our friends at have a great line in their banner: "VACCINES ARE THE LEADING CAUSE OF COINCIDENCES."

A greater truth hasn't been spoken in recent times. 

It's time to remember that if there weren't a huge propaganda campaign of how dangerous COVID "was" and HUGE effort to suppress treatments that could have saved so many people, no one would be interested in taking this shot. Now it's pressure - and government incentives? - that is getting people to take this. Many are worried and hesitant because they know there is a huge risk for a healthy person to take an experimental product, but they either want to travel or can't stand the pressure anymore. 

Most horribly, it is pulling Americans apart through creating spaces for the "vaccinated" (aka experimented upon) people vs. the "unvaccinated" people (aka medical freedom advocates).

COVID is over. It's time to move on without pushing a new social order on people.


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Monsey, NY