Vaccine Educated

Being labeled "anti-vaxx" is ridiculous. Why?
Because someone who is anti something wants to get rid of it altogether.

An anti-Semite hates Jews. Period. There is no rhyme, reason, or rational dialogue to be had.

The violent "antifa" fascists hate all who are on the other side of the political wind as they are. There is no reasoning to be had.

Someone who is a racist towards black people thinks horrible things about all black people.

In contrast, those who question the safety of vaccines are not anti vaccine!

We would love it if a vaccine were totally safe, and it did the job it claimed to do!

We also tell people who want to vaccinate, "Go ahead and vaccinate! If you believe that is the best thing for your family, you are encouraged to do so."

We have come to different conclusions. Why?
1. Some of us have seen vaccine injury in a loved one (relative) or a friend's child.
2. Some of us had injuries when we were children or adults and believe there is a genetic pre-disposition to an injury we don't want to subject our children to.
3. Some of us have done a lot of research and don't buy the pharma-narrative that vaccines are the greatest invention of the modern world. We know too much, we have seen too much. The pain of those who have been injured by vaccines has touched our souls, and we believe the risk of possibly contracting the illness is safer than the risk of the vaccines.

The first two groups here are more correctly "ex-vaxxers" who used to vaccinate, who followed the schedule and guidelines, but were injured as a result.
The latter group is the "vaccine educated" group. 

We don't push our agenda on anyone. We just want to be part of the community we love so much. We are extremely troubled by the lashon hora we see, feel, experience all around us. We are tortured by the hatred aimed at us from those who have bought the narrative that those who don't vaccinate are Rodfim, don't care about children, and are disease-carrying dangerous people.

All of these are character assassinating lies, none of them are based in truth.

Measles was NEVER eradicated. Its presence is cyclical - some years it is more prevalent, some years it is less prevalent. Its presence has nothing to do with Jews specifically (though obviously Jews are human too and can also get it).

Coming posts will give you some resources to at least understand where we are coming from.

You can start at the slideshow here - from those looking to bring peace back to our ranks.


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