Prescription Drugs and Opting Out

Ever get a prescription and decide not to take it?
Maybe you thought you were getting over the malady.
Maybe you thought, "let me not be dependent on this drug."
Maybe you got it (covered by insurance, of course) and then read the possible side effects in the insert, and thought "Maybe I don't need this."

You were able to do that, because you had a choice. And you were informed!

Vaccines are... different.
There's a very strange narrative surrounding vaccines. 
It's a fear-based narrative. "If you don't take this, you can get sick and die/maimed for life."
"Vaccines are the victim of their own success."

Never mind that vaccines have no true test conditions.
Never mind that the narrative of the so-called Spanish Flu, the uptick of polio in the 50s, and the disappearance of smallpox are actually subjects of fascinating debates.
Never mind that the safety tests of vaccines are minimal, shoddy, and if you knew the real numbers and real reactions, you'd be quite surprised.

  • Do bear in mind that by US law, YOU MAY NOT SUE the vaccine maker for the vaccine, or any injury, side effect, or adverse event, short term, long term, or life debilitating, or even for death which comes from the vaccine.
  • Do bear in mind that the vaccine is the ONLY product that the doctor administers to you, instead of writing a prescription for you, and leaving you to decide whether to take it or administer it.
  • Do bear in mind that the vaccine is DESIGNED to mess with your immune system. So ask, "Is it really so perfect that that's the ONLY THING it does, and SPECIFICALLY for the TARGET DISEASE I'd like it to defeat?"
  • Do bear in mind that there is not a single medicine that is "one size fits all" - look at how many drugs have caused terrible damage to people!
  • Do bear in mind that you NEVER get to see the insert for the vaccine, unlike the insert you get along with a drug from a pharmacy. Which means you don't get the same chance to consider opting out. (Read that entire link - especially the final three paragraphs:
  • Do bear in mind that the doctors or nurses at the pediatrician's office are trained to PRESSURE you and REMIND you that you are BEHIND and need to become UP TO DATE with vaccines. Why? Because if anything happens, they and the vaccine makers are not liable.
  • Do bear in mind that should something happen, the doctors, nurses, practice, hospital, clinic will all say the same thing, with absolute certainty and conviction: "It was a coincidence. It would have happened to your child (or you) anyway. It had nothing to do with the shot."
And that last point registers high on the most important meter of all.


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