
Showing posts from May, 2019

What do you know about vaccines?

If your answer is, "I trust my doctor," If your answer is, "They saved the world from polio and smallpox," If your answer is, "They save millions of people every year," then you know very little about vaccines. Can you answer these questions? How much of an impact did vaccines have on the mortality rates of diseases? Who coined the term "vaccines are safe and effective?" Who does the safety studies for vaccines? Have you ever heard of VAERS ? Do you know what an adverse event from vaccines is? When did vaccine-makers become immune from liability? (You can not sue them!) When did the vaccine schedule change from under 15 vaccines (and boosters) for children through all of childhood to 72 vaccines (some are combined so it's not 72 injections) through childhood? How were studies on effectiveness of vaccines conducted? How many children were involved in the safety studies? Were vaccines tested on babies, pregnant women, nursing ...


A few years ago there was a measles outbreak in Disneyland. Look at this URL - and shock of shocks - the link no longer works on this platform (it did two weeks ago!) Here is the same article on a different platform  Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease Should the Recently Vaccinated be Quarantined to Prevent Outbreaks?   February 02, 2015 14:34 ET | Source: Weston A. Price Foundation Washington, D.C., Feb. 2, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Health officials are blaming unvaccinated children for the recent measles outbreak that started at Disneyland. However, with no blood tests proving the outbreak is from wild measles, the most likely source of the outbreak is a recently vaccinated individual, according ...

Another Family - OUT!

The Rabbi came up to my husband and my husband told him the truth, that our son had a severe reaction to a vaccine and we haven't really been vaccinating since then. We did one or two more and then researched and stopped completely.  My youngest two have none. I regret every vaccine we ever gave. I explained what we've gone through. He politely told us it might not matter. He'd consult his doctor. We were told, despite my older daughter having type 1 diabetes, my mother-in-law nearly dying from the flu shot and my son's severe reaction that we had to vaccinate, that it's imperative. The doctor never even met my son before commanding a medical procedure. We asked our Rabbi how to raise our children without shul and he said move... Most shuls here are also coming together to enforce this. One shul has not yet. We'll see how long that lasts...

Fear v. Fear

Those who vaccinate fear diseases. The only way to combat fear is with knowledge and vigilance. Why? Because vaccines are not 100% effective. Diseases can make their way around. Most diseases do not even have vaccines for them . And there are plenty of examples of vaccine-strain diseases making their rounds, affecting the vaccinated. Yes - you heard right - the vaccinated infect the vaccinated. See information and attachments (links) in these previous blog posts to see why vaccination - while somewhat effective, is neither guaranteed or absolutely safe, and neither are its long term impacts known. Those who do not vaccinate fear adverse events from vaccines. The above link is just a sampling of what the go...

A Doctor

Just found this: To be honest (see how we are not afraid to show the other side), here is an article that takes Dr. Meehan to task . The top argument Skeptical Raptor uses is questioning assumed "authority." Without having a "degree" in vaccinology, Dr. Meehan is not allowed to formulate an opinion. (The thousands of studies around the world that are referenced mostly compare fully vaccinated to those who are partially vaccinated - never to the completely unvaccinated. Since the incidence of reactions between the vaccinated PLUS MMR and the vaccinated MINUS MMR are statistically similar, the vaccine being "studied" is deemed safe. Their longer-term effects are not included in these studies, which watch for reactions for a very limited amount of time.) With that argument, Rav Asher Weiss's opinion is also invalid . Having a degree does not confer more wisdom. It all depends on how much a person studies - whether in an educational setting or as an ...

The Aryan-ization of the Orthodox Community

Here is the new normal. The Orthodox community has become an arm and leg for the pharmaceutical industry and the CDC. If you do not vaccinate your children, if you do not go lock-step with the thought that all vaccines are safe and effective, if you do not follow the homogeneity of the vaccines-only worldview, you have no value as a human being, no value as a Jew, and there is no place for you in the Jewish community. This is the new normal. Sorry to use 1930s imagery. But if you don't see how some parts of the Jewish community are behaving towards others, you have not learned the lessons of history. And we are now doing this to our own. Orthodox Judaism used to question things. Now we say, "We trust our doctors" because we have no wherewithal to do our own research, to read studies, to listen to parents who have witnessed adverse events in their children immediately following vaccination. The world allows for medical exemptions to vaccination. But we Orthodo...

Inconvenient Truths

Why do we choose not to vaccinate? Because the inherent risks of vaccination do not outweigh the benefits. Measles? Not really a big deal in the United States. Yes, we know it is contagious . But contagious does not mean dangerous.  Before the vaccine, measles was known as a normal childhood illness you went through, and everyone who had it developed lifetime immunity. Mortality for the measles dropped to a non-percentage figure before the vaccine was introduced. Statistically, one will not die from the measles, and in most cases one will emerge from it unscathed - with lifelong immunity. No need to get another shot for it. Consider this information of what vaccines have done to help make chronic illness and contribute to auto-immune deficiencies. Measles v all of the following? Measles, please. Any day. The following quote is from this speech "This is a chronic disease epidemic.  I have six kids. I had eleven brothers and sisters. I had over fifty cousins...

Patriot Nurse gets it

What drives all the media frenzy and medical establishments? Fear. And your inability to empower yourself and think for yourself. So stop throwing our kids out of school.

A vaccine dialogue between two Jews

Jew #1. I think everyone should vaccinate Jew #2. I think vaccines are not for everyone. Jew #1. I hate you. You have no value as a human being. You are dangerous. You and your children should stay away from my family. Actually get out of my shul, school, and get out of my life.

Monsey, NY

Hundreds of deluded people gather! Or maybe hundreds who are actually concerned about vaccine safety. The comments have a mix between the Sonei Yisrael and Jews who are sensible and thoughtful.  Monsey, NY - Hundreds Attend Symposium With Leaders Of Anti-vaccine Movement In Monsey Monsey, NY - Jews are being persecuted as disease carriers amid the outbreak of measles, a New York haredi Orthodox rabbi said at a symposium with leaders of the anti-vaccination movement attended by hundreds of haredim. “We Hasidim have been chosen as the target,” said Rabbi Hillel Handler, a Holocaust survivor from Monsey, a Rockland County town with a large haredi population, according to The New York Times. “The campaign against us has been successful.” The Centers for Disease Control has reported a total of 839 cases of measles in 23 s...

Some science for you

Unaired interview with local news station + sources: ashleyeverlyvax/posts/ 1517419408279690 Critical Vaccine Studies: Millers-Review-Critical- Vaccine-Studies/dp/188121740X What doctors learn about vaccines in medical school: ashleyeverlyvax/posts/ 1131196103568691 Conflicts of interest in medical education: ashleyeverlyvax/posts/ 1161909823830652 Corruption in scientific research: ashleyeverlyvax/posts/ 1371432082878424 As drug industry’s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias: https://www.washingtonpost. com/business/economy/as-drug- industrys-influence-over- research-grows-so-does-the- potential-for-bias/2012/11/24/ bb64d596-1264-11e2-be82- c3411b7680a9_story.html? noredirect=on&utm_term=. eb92dc556364 Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary: 2009/03/03/business...

Dear Pro Vaccine Persons

Dear pro-vaxxer, As someone who once believed in vaccines, who vaccinated my child, I’m asking you to hear me out.  I know you might think I am either (1) stupid, (2) uneducated, or (3) crazy.  I know you think questioning vaccine safety is akin to believing in conspiracy theories.  I know you are angered to think that there are people putting children in harm’s way because of the increasing rate of vaccine refusal. 🏻 I understand that.  I 100% appreciate the fact that you care about children, that you care about health, and that you want the best for your family and for the rest of us.  I know you find the practice of vaccination to be an incredible scientific advancement that you are deeply thankful for.  I know you believe in the benevolence and good will of those in the medical profession.  I know you believe that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risk of harm.  I know you believe that vac...

Vaccine Safety Information - RFK Jr. Speech at NY Capitol, to protect Religious Freedom

You may think what you want. We know the arguments of those who think everyone should be vaccinated. Have you ever heard our arguments about safety? Have you ever met people like me, a mother who questions why my child has to live with vaccine injury for the greater good? You can also watch the entire rally - a bunch of good and some great speeches. It starts at 23:44 -

Stop Blaming the Jews

Hi. I vaccinate my kids and I have gotten my own boosters up to date. I don't care what you guys who don't vaccinate do. What bothers me is the way the media treats the Jewish community. Can you share this - even though it is pro vaccine? YES WE CAN. (Some of the information towards the end is either misleading or false, but the point that the Jews are not to be blamed for measles is one we agree with) Ultra-Orthodox Jews vaccinate, too: Stop blaming one community for the measles outbreak By  DR. DANIEL BERMAN   and  AWI FEDERGRUEN |   NEW YORK DAILY NEWS   | MAY 15, 2019  |   7:00 AM   In this year’s U.S. measles outbreak, parts of Brooklyn and Rockland County have experienced two-thirds of the reported 704 infections. The media generally blame an alleged lo...