What is the end game?
Traditionally Jewish schools had one motivating factor: to provide an education to Jewish children.
Over time, Jewish schools have raised the bar on the services they offer, their budgets have become very large, and tuitions have grown exponentially. Jewish schools have had two motivating factors: to provide an education to Jewish children, and to make payroll.
People had medical records on file, but it was more for "in case of emergency, we need to know this child's medical history, etc." But they were not scrutinized because honestly, those records are private, and legally they're no one's business.
Then came November 2018, and a disease called measles - which was never eradicated, but whose incidence has been cyclical in recent years - actually affected Jews, in Israel and in the Northeast of the United States, from Cleveland to different parts of New York.
Since no one cares about Jews, it was easy for the media to be critical of the Jews and to blame them for an illness. Never mind that this is illness we are talking about, which affected both vaccinated and unvaccinated, because, as we all know, vaccines are not 100% effective, and that science and medicine is imperfect.
As for those private medical records? Now they are scrutinized with no regard to privacy, to determine who is who.
And then zealous doctors and (social media) rabbis, or is it Rabbi Dr.s?, started getting to the schools.
1. You must make a rule that anyone who is unvaccinated may not attend school.
2. You must make a rule that anyone who isn't "up to date" (what does that mean anyway? each time a new vaccine comes to market we need a new product that we hadn't needed until then?) may not attend school.
3. You must make a rule that anyone who has a religious exemption (which was allowed in most states) may not attend school.
4. You must make a rule that anyone who has a medical exemption (which most people do not question) may not attend school, unless it is approved by our independent school medical board.
(Who these Jewish bureaucrats are is never clear, but they clearly do not care about the education of Jewish children)
5. You must make a rule that vaccination status is the determining factor of who belongs in the Jewish community, starting with the school, then continuing to the shuls and camps.
Never mind that only people who are actually sick can infect others... we will punish those who have not had vaccinations, even though they are perfectly healthy.
6. As if this is not enough, these Rabbi Dr.s then push for legislation in government, to get rid of religious exemptions in states, even though the yeshivas already don't accept the unvaccinated!
It seems the end goal is to create fully compliant with government "health recommendations" in the realm of vaccination, and to fully ostracize from the Jewish community those who prefer to opt out of these recommendations.
Seriously! Seriously? THAT'S THE GOAL?
Judaism is not monolithic. There are very serious objections to vaccines - despite all the name calling those who choose vaccination seem to engage in. There are very real and legitimate arguments for religious exemption within Judaism, even as there are arguments in support of vaccination.
This is not a psak that can apply across the board. The arguments mandating that all Jews must vaccinate are weak.
As for the anti-Semitism argument? First of all, there are many more non-Jews than Jews who have opted out of vaccination.
(The first eight minutes are all around the United States, then the video moves to Europe, Israel, Australia - most of these people ARE NOT JEWS!)
Second of all, Jews will be hated by anti-Semites whether we vaccinate or don't vaccinate. So don't kid yourself into thinking "if we'd all only vaccinate anti-Semitism will go away." Didn't Haman say "There is a certain people scattered and separate among the peoples throughout all the provinces of your kingdom, and their laws differ from [those of] every people, and they do not keep the king's laws; it is [therefore] of no use for the king to let them be?" (Yes, of course that sounds familiar... except now it's Jews who are saying it about Jews!!)
Finally, no amount of legislation or rule making will get those who don't vaccinate to vaccinate.
So again, what is your endgame? All you're doing is closing off Jewish kids from a Jewish education. You are also turning off families from Orthodoxy, giving them no real options, and no alternatives to properly educate their children in Jewish ways.
It is hard to imagine this this attitude is coming from real mechanchim.
And so the fault must lie in people who play God on the side, namely rabbis and rabbis who are doctors, who are given honor they don't deserve as rabbis, and who have taken the power and respect they are somehow given in their position as rabbis and let it get to their heads.
The humility they think they have is a mask for the arrogance, hatred and evil that lies in their souls.
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