Social Media Rabbis

There are rabbis on social media, who clearly get kicks out of their numbers of followers, and the echo chamber they've created. Out of the remaining respect I have for them I won't mention them by name.

Woe is to the person who presents a different view from theirs, or who does not stroke their ego.

When it comes to this issue - vaccines - not only have they proven themselves to be radicals, but they have also demonstrated that

they name call

they are fans of kicking Jews out

they call the unvaccinated Rodfim

they malign

they know nothing of the science behind vaccine safety

they parrot talking points of pharmaceutical companies

they are not interested in a debate

as soon as someone does call them on their ignorance, they say "I am not a doctor" (then why do you use your platform for something you know nothing about?)

they don't love all Jews - only the Jews who agree with them

they think unvaccinated people are dangerous (how? If the vaccine is perfect and safe, then the illness you are afraid of should only affect the people you don't really care about anyway!)

Claim humility all you like. I see a very different picture when rabbis are the activists throwing out Jews who think differently (who actually think through and do their research, who also pay attention to real stories of vaccine damage, and question everything - as a Jew should do). Since when do rabbis determine who is welcome in the Jewish community, based on the use or non-use of a pharmaceutical product that hasn't been adequately tested for safety and is fraught with many problems, and many cover-ups and hiding of data studies.


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